Monday, September 29, 2014

Team Member Introduction: Andres Camacho

In my element

I like to think of myself as a story teller. Story, like my love of knee deep snow, has always been an important part of my life. Narrative defines how I make meaning of the world. I am a senior at UMBC and a member of the Interdisciplinary Studies department. Through my degree, titled "Entrepreneurship and Digital Communication",  I strive to develop my ability at using the power of story to create both digital and physical spaces that allow people to interact with seemingly abstract values (such as sustainability) in a way that is meaningful to their own life experiences.

What purpose will our kinetic sculpture serve?

As a member of this Kinetic Sculpture Race team I would like to create a digital narrative that answers the above question by shedding light on the issue of linear resource streams, the burden that plastic waste puts on the environment, and the opportunities for "up-cycling" resources such as plastic.  I like websites that make use of vertical movement to present information in a visual  and dynamic manner. Here is an example: Will post soon with more details about the content and scope of the digital component of our sculpture project.

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